
Our church motto is: "To know Christ and to make Him known" and we welcome all, no matter what: race colour, or sexuality.

Our church was founded in 1975. A few faithful believers met in a small hut and from these humble beginnings grew a community of faith that is important to the life of Toothill.

What time should I comeToothill Church seems a very friendly place to those of us who have been going for a while, but we know that whenever people venture into a new group for the first time there is a certain amount of anxiety.
If you are coming on a Sunday then if you turn up around 10.20 then there is the chance to talk to a few people and look around before the service starts. On the other hand if it all goes wrong on the morning and you are running late, no one will mind if you arrive even after the service has started. It happens to all of us at times.

What to wear:
Sometimes people think back a good few years and remember the whole concept of ‘Sunday Best’ and wonder what to wear to church. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up to try and be someone that you're not.

What to expect:
When you arrive you will be invited to go and sit down in the church. There are no reserved seats: feel free to sit wherever you will feel comfortable. We sometimes use screen monitor at the front for our songs and some other parts of the service, so its helpful if you sit where you will be able to see this, and sometimes we use the hymn books or printed material which is given to you as you enter. The service usually includes: hymns and songs; readings from the bible and a talk; some prayers and a variety of other interesting items. These can include puppets, stories, the occasional quiz, poems, pictures and much more. The service usually lasts an hour sometimes slightly longer – but if you have other commitments you may leave whenever you need to.

Bread and WineCommunion
Sometimes people worry about what they should do if there is communion in the service. If you are used to taking communion in your own tradition then you are welcome to join in here. Because we have members from a variety of denominations we serve communion in a variety of different ways. As a result we try to give clear instructions as to what to do, but don’t feel embarrassed if you need to clarify it with someone near you. If in doubt then follow the rest! If communion is something you are not used to, or do not want to take for whatever reason you are still welcome to be part of this service and just to enjoy being quiet and watching what is happening or praying as others take bread and wine. The bread used is gluten free. Appropriate information is given before communion.

What if I cannot come on Sundays?
God is with us all week long and we want to learn to follow him every day, not just on Sundays. There are a variety of activities that you can join in with, whether or not you come on Sundays – see elsewhere on the website for these – most of us enjoy food and we seem to do a lot of things with various types of meals and refreshments so watch out for details!
If you are just looking into Christianity then from time to time we have a group of people who consider our journey of life and think about what we believe and learn what Christians believe. 

disability provisionsFor people with disabilities:
We try to cater for all needs and have disabled access and toilet plus a loop system for those who wear hearing aids. Screen projection is large print and can be seen by most people: If you do have difficulty please speak to someone and we will endeavour to assist you.. 

Car Parking:

In front of the church there are two disability bays in the car park for Blue Badge holders.Parking space in front of the church is limited so people are advised to use the Village Centre (next door) for parking.



Upcoming Events

Friday 28th March
5:00pm - 8:00pm -
Sunday 30th March
10:30am - 11:30am -
Monday 31st March
10:00am - 12:00pm -
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